Crashplan carbonite
Crashplan carbonite

Like all automated backup systems, CrashPlan is pretty much "set it and forget it." Its desktop software, the system's local component, is free and easy to use. CRASHPLAN CREATES LOCAL BACKUPS OF YOUR DATA Among myriad good choices such as Carbonite, IDrive, Mozy, and SugarSync, I chose to focus on CrashPlan because it includes all the features that products in this genre should provide. With that in mind, I decided to consider automated online backup systems this month. We often get rushed, and files get "temporarily" dropped somewhere other than in those special internet-based protected folders and (2) call me paranoid, but I want my own copy of my data-a second copy just in case the online storage facility fails or is otherwise inaccessible. For two reasons: (1) Most of us aren't meticulous in our file saving.

crashplan carbonite

With Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, and a host of other platforms storing, synchronizing, and protecting our data files, do we really need local backup? I submit the answer is yes. Now that many, if not most, of us live our computer lives in a cloud-based world, local backup might seem less important.

Crashplan carbonite